C Windows System32 Drivers


C: WINDOWS SYSTEM32 DRIVERS tglp.sys Thanks to my higher speed connection I was able to get MBAM to work again on my XP computer. Past few scans have been clean, but this morning it found the above file. For example, if you installed Windows in the C drive then the System 32 folder will be in the C: Windows directory. It contains files needed by the Windows operating system for performing different activities like system startup, shutdown, file operations like reading, editing and playing music and movie files. HI, I want to update the client machines Service file located inside (C: Windows System32 drivers etc) using Group policy. Pls share any convenient way for performing the activity.

Active3 years, 3 months ago

I want to append a line to C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts using VBScript. I tried to read this file first using this code:

But I got an error in the second line: Bad file mode. I ran it using this command:

with cmd being run as an administrator. Any help would be great.

Anh Nguyen
C windows system32 drivers etc hostsAnh NguyenAnh Nguyen
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3 Answers

Open the file for appending, and simply output what you want. It will automatically be appended.

Windows system 32 repair download

Of course that does not address a potential issue of appending data that is already in the file.

If you want to read the file first, open it for reading, read the data, close it, then re-open it for appending and make your changes. There is no need to open it for writing.

If you want to edit the file, read it in, close it, reopen it for writing, and write out the edited data.

3,3552 gold badges19 silver badges36 bronze badges
Matt ClarkMatt Clark

C Windows System32 Driverstore Filerepository

19.2k11 gold badges52 silver badges103 bronze badges

C /windows/system32/drivers/drmk.sys

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