Python 2.6.6 Download


Jan 23, 2019  Code of Conduct. Everyone interacting in the pip project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct. Python 2.6 is now in security-fix-only mode; no new features are being added, and no new bug fix releases are planned. We intend to provide source-only security fixes for the Python 2.6 series until October 2013 (five years after the 2.6 final release). Python 2.6 (final) was released on October 1st, 2008. There are a huge number of new features, modules, improvements and bug fixes. For information on what's changed, see: Andrew Kuchling's guide to What's New in Python 2.6. NEWS file contains a listing of everything that's new in each alpha, beta, and release candidate of Python 2.6. Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java. Python includes modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types and dynamic typing.

  1. While The Python Language Reference describes the exact syntax and semantics of the Python language, this library reference manual describes the standard library that is distributed with Python. It also describes some of the optional components that are commonly included in Python distributions.
  2. Aug 24, 2010  Python 2.6.6. Release Date: Aug. Python 2.6 is now in security-fix-only mode; no new features are being added, and no new bug fix releases are planned. We intend to provide source-only security fixes for the Python 2.6 series until October 2013 (five years after the 2.6 final release).
  3. @MarkEvans Python is really not my strong point, so I could easily be wrong, but pyenv looks like a solution for a different problem. If you replaced 'python' with 'JDK', I would definitely not be thrilled about compiling it just to be able to deploy a Java app: I want the JDK version that someone else compiled, tested, retested and tested again with which ever version of CentOS I'm using.
Active1 year, 8 months ago

I have a shell that runs CentOS.

For a project I'm doing, I need python 2.5+, but centOS is pretty dependent on 2.4.

From what I've read, a number of things will break if you upgrade to 2.5.

I want to install 2.5 separately from 2.4, but I'm not sure how to do it. So far I've downloaded the source tarball, untarred it, and did a ./configure --prefix=/opt which is where I want it to end up. Can I now just make, make install ? Or is there more?

Michael Dillon
28.7k5 gold badges58 silver badges97 bronze badges
9,20111 gold badges25 silver badges16 bronze badges

15 Answers

You could also use the EPEL-repository, and then do sudo yum install python26 to install python 2.6

16.4k12 gold badges65 silver badges60 bronze badges

Try epel

The python executable will be available at /usr/bin/python26

Now, python command will execute python 2.6

Iker Jimenez
4,9776 gold badges39 silver badges44 bronze badges
Joyce BabuJoyce Babu
8,9517 gold badges47 silver badges79 bronze badges

When I've run into similar situations, I generally avoid the package manager, especially if it would be embarrassing to break something, i.e. a production server. Instead, I would go to Activestate and download their binary package:

This is installed by running a script which places everything into a folder and does not touch any system files. In fact, you don't even need root permissions to set it up. Then I change the name of the binary to something like apy26, add that folder to the end of the PATH and start coding. If you install packages with apy26 installor if you use virtualenv and easyinstall, then you have just as flexible a python environment as you need without touching the system standard python.

Edits...Recently I've done some work to build a portable Python binary for Linux that should run on any distro with no external dependencies. This means that any binary shared libraries needed by the portable Python module are part of the build, included in the tarball and installed in Python's private directory structure. This way you can install Python for your application without interfering with the system installed Python.

My github site has a build script which has been thoroughly tested on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS both 32 and 64 bit installs. I've also built it on Debian Etch but that was a while ago and I can't guarantee that I haven't changed something. The easiest way to do this is you just put your choice of Ubuntu Lucid in a virtual machine, checkout the script with git clone git:// and then run the script.

Once you have it built, use the tarball on any recent Linux distro. There is one little wrinkle with moving it to a directory other than /data1/packages/python272 which is that you have to run the included patchelf to set the interpreter path BEFORE you move the directory. This affects any binaries in /data1/packages/python272/bin

All of this is based on building with RUNPATH and copying the dependent shared libraries. Even though the script is in several files, it is effectively one long shell script arranged in the style of /etc/rc.d directories.

Michael DillonMichael Dillon
28.7k5 gold badges58 silver badges97 bronze badges

No need to do yum or make your own RPM. Build python26 from source.

There can be a dependency error use

Add the install path (/usr/local/bin/python by default) to ~/.bash_profile.

It will not break yum or any other things which are dependent on python24.

the swine
7,7025 gold badges42 silver badges85 bronze badges
Rahul AroraRahul Arora

No, that's it. You might want to make sure you have all optional library headers installed too so you don't have to recompile it later. They are listed in the documentation I think.

Also, you can install it even in the standard path if you do make altinstall. That way it won't override your current default 'python'.

Lennart RegebroLennart Regebro
123k36 gold badges193 silver badges232 bronze badges

Chris Lea provides a YUM repository for python26 RPMs that can co-exist with the 'native' 2.4 that is needed for quite a few admin tools on CentOS.

Quick instructions that worked at least for me:

26.9k11 gold badges91 silver badges127 bronze badges

If you want to make it easier on yourself, there are CentOS RPMs for new Python versions floating around the net. E.g. see:

2,8171 gold badge15 silver badges21 bronze badges

When you install your python version (in this case it is python2.6) then issue this command to create your virtualenv:

Artjom B.
54.4k18 gold badges88 silver badges166 bronze badges

Late to the party, but the OP should have gone with Buildout or Virtualenv, and sidestepped the problem completely.

I am currently working on a Centos server, well, toiling away would be the proper term and I can assure everyone that the only way I am able to blink back the tears whilst using the software equivalents of fire hardened spears, is buildout.

5,7115 gold badges27 silver badges41 bronze badges

you can always make your own RPM:


Missing Dependency: is here :

21.2k14 gold badges56 silver badges99 bronze badges
Cheap VPNCheap VPN

Download and install Python 3.3.0

Download and install Distribute for Python 3.3

Install and use virtualenv for Python 3.3


I unistalled the original version of python (2.6.6) and install 2.7(with option make && make altinstall) but when I tried install something with yum didn't work.

So I solved this issue as follow:

  1. # ln -s /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/python
  2. Download the RPM package python-2.6.6-36.el6.i686.rpm from
  3. Execute as root rpm -Uvh python-2.6.6-36.el6.i686.rpm



Type the following commands on the terminal to install Python 3.6 on CentOS 7:

Then do :

You can also install any version instead of 3.6 (if you want to) by just replacing 36 by your version number.

22.8k6 gold badges44 silver badges70 bronze badges
Ayush Kumar SharmaAyush Kumar Sharma

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Latest version

Last released:

Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars.

Project description

This module contains functions for converting between Julian dates andcalendar dates.

A function for converting Gregorian calendar dates to Julian dates, andanother function for converting Julian calendar dates to Julian datesare defined. Two functions for the reverse calculations are alsodefined.

Different regions of the world switched to Gregorian calendar fromJulian calendar on different dates. Having separate functions for Julianand Gregorian calendars allow maximum flexibility in choosing therelevant calendar.

Julian dates are stored in two floating point numbers (double). Juliandates, and Modified Julian dates, are large numbers. If only one numberis used, then the precision of the time stored is limited. Using twonumbers, time can be split in a manner that will allow maximumprecision. For example, the first number could be the Julian date forthe beginning of a day and the second number could be the fractionalday. Calculations that need the latter part can now work with maximumprecision.

All the above functions are “proleptic”. This means that they work fordates on which the concerned calendar is not valid. For example,Gregorian calendar was not used prior to around October 1582.

A function to test if a given Gregorian calendar year is a leap year isalso defined.

Zero point of Modified Julian Date (MJD) and the MJD of 2000/1/112:00:00 are also given as module level constants.


Some examples are given below. For more information see

Gregorian calendar:

Python 2.6.6 Download

Julian calendar:

Gregorian leap year:

JD for zero point of MJD, and MJD for JD2000.0:


The module can be installed using pip or easy_install:


Tests are in


  1. A good amount of the code is based on the excellent TPM C libraryby Jeffrey W. Percival.
  2. The inspiration to split Julian dates into two numbers came from theIAU SOFA C library. No code or algorithm from the SOFA library isused in jdcal.


Released under BSD; see LICENSE.txt.

For comments and suggestions, email to user prasanthhn in the gmail.comdomain.

Release historyRelease notifications



Python 2.6.6 Download




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Files for jdcal, version 1.4.1
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size jdcal-1.4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.5 kB) File type Wheel Python version py2.py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size jdcal-1.4.1.tar.gz (7.5 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for jdcal-1.4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for jdcal-1.4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for jdcal-1.4.1.tar.gz

Python 2.6.6 Download Mac

Hashes for jdcal-1.4.1.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest